Tuesday, June 10, 2014


  • London location is in the south of  England.
  • In Roman times this city was calling Londinium.
  • The populatoin in Roman times was of  45,000 and now is about 7.5 million of people. Is a lot of people !!
  • The most famous street names are: Trafalgar Square (Battle of  Trafalgar) and Victoria Street (Queen Victoria).
  • The people from London are calling ''Cockneys'' or Londoners.
  • Some of  the  famous Londoners people are: Charlie Chaplin ( actor ), Arthur Conan Doyle ( writer of Sherlock Holmes stories ).

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Viveiro is a city in the northeast of Galician.  Its name comes from Latin language and it was “Vivarium” that means a place where grows trees and plants. After centuries, this word changed to Vivario, Vivairo and Viveiro. The population is about 16.000 now.
There are a lot of famous places: Porta do Castelo, the church – convent of San Francisco, declared a Historic- Artistic Site, Mount Sant Roque, where you can see a view of the Landro river. Also there are natural surroundings, such as Souto da Retorta, where you can enjoy the oldest eucaliptus forests in Europe. “O avó de Chavín” is the highest (70 metres), the thicker and the oldest.
The people of Viveiro are called  “Viveirense”. Famous Viveriense are Constanza do Castro (century XV) buried in the convent of San Francisco, Pastor Díaz (century XIX) writer, journalist and politician and Vicente Cociña, journalist and politician. He created the newspaper “El Centinela de Galicia” in 1843.                                                                
                                                                                                             Martín Pita 1º B
 “O Avó de Chavín” in Viveiro
